photo (c) Animatrix - Warner Bros - 2003

As long as you can, avoid asking yourself questions. Because then the process becomes endless. Questions gather together like lovecraft’s creatures demonstrating down the alleys of your brain for more consideration. And then you get to understand how these creatures are not that unreal. Et il n’existe plus alors que trois portes de sortie pour s’extraire de l’Humanité : le suicide, la folie ou l’exil. Or a combination of the three. Which I sense through something I call ‘Artisticinism’. A downgraded attitude for those who do not have the guts to choose one, still who stand ready to mentally challenge the surrounding non-sense.
I invite you, to the party of my mind.


Thursday, December 15, 2005


Cross-thema message also duplicated in Raitley

Voir les choses.
Voir à travers les choses.
Voir l'infiniment invisible qui constitue le finiment visible.
Internet, les moteurs de recherche sont-ils des microscopes ? des loupes ? des télescopes ? Zoome-t-on en avant ou en arrière quand on click sur Google ?
Voir derrière les choses.

La réponse, par Philip Kindred Dick:
‘the soft-drink stand fell into bits. Molecules. He saw the molecules, colorless, without qualities, that made it up. Then he saw through, into the space beyond it, he saw the hill behind, the trees and its place was a slip of paper. He reached out his hand and took hold of the slip of paper. On it was printing, block letters. SOFT DRINK STAND’.

La réponse, par Satoh-san: Click HERE


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